Friday, February 10, 2012

Charcoal. New Media Unit. Drawing 2.

Charcoal: New media unit.

Prior Knowledge covered: Contour Lines, Implied Contour lines(shadow shapes), value(darks, lights, grays, shading), texture, space. Working on a toned paper or canvas(white on toned paper)

1. Cooperative Charcoal exercise.

-Roll out 20 to 40 feet butcher paper(white or brown) on the floor. Arrange students around the paper with a piece of charcoal. Provide 7-10 cues for creative applications for the charcoal with pencil and compressed charcoal. Make sure students move clockwise 3-4 spaces at least twice to gather other student use of charcoal.

2. Value Scale on toned piece of paper

3. Self portrait with Charcoal: Students will create a self portrait drawing all linear(contour and shadow shapes(implied contours)) information. Using white charcoal first, they will work in a "backwards" fashion by applying light values rather than dark.


a. Student will be able to render self portrait as lines

expert-student draws every contour.

proficient-student draws most contour lines

improvement needed-student attempts line, but focuses on symbol.

b. Student will apply the value scale.

Expert-Student matches every value in the value scale with the photo.

Proficient-Student matches some values.

Improvement needed-Student matches black and/or white only. Does not attempt greys.

4. Class Critique. All students hang work in class. Spend 5 minutes looking at the work of others.

Questions for class discussion

-What are good things about Charcoal?

-What are bad things about Charcoal?

-How was the charcoal utilized in differing manners?

-What are some creative applications that you can see yourself using charcoal for?

5. Cooperative Icon Portrait. Students will end the unit with a cooperative grid of an icon from popular culture or history.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Student award winning one page comic.

My wonderchild art student, Meghan B. made this comic for Scholastic Art's One Page Comic Contest. Judged by professional from The Center for Cartoon Studies ( ). She is in the top 15 out of over 1500 entries and will win a prize package from CCS and Scholastic. I believe it's a story from my favorite student storytellers Olivia T. (New story almost every single day for two years.) Proud art poppa here.