Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Matière Self Portraits and still lifes: After Black Mountain College

 After a field trip to the Wexner Center's Look Before you leap exhibit, we discussed the importance of play in artmaking.  Each student was asked to participate and bring in goodies for the shoot.  Discussion about lighting and posing was minimal.

Matière Self Portraits and still lifes: After Black Mountain College
We are going to be shooting photographs over the course of 4 class periods(2 Block periods.)  You will be tasked with having to light and shoot at least 10 separate self portraits and at least 5 Matière still lifes(You may shoot with Ipad, Iphone, or camera).

All of you must bring in 5 things(put them in a plastic bag, nothing of extreme value).  This will be graded as a homework grade.  Due tomorrow.

1.     A piece of found cloth(large or small, sheet, lace, etc.)
2.     Natural objects(pine combs, seeds, dried flowers
3.     A glass object.
4.     A piece of clothing that is not yours and is timeless.
5.     A handheld human made object

At the end of shooting, we will share the photos with each other and discuss the possibilities of found objects as art making tools/props.