Friday, February 10, 2012

Charcoal. New Media Unit. Drawing 2.

Charcoal: New media unit.

Prior Knowledge covered: Contour Lines, Implied Contour lines(shadow shapes), value(darks, lights, grays, shading), texture, space. Working on a toned paper or canvas(white on toned paper)

1. Cooperative Charcoal exercise.

-Roll out 20 to 40 feet butcher paper(white or brown) on the floor. Arrange students around the paper with a piece of charcoal. Provide 7-10 cues for creative applications for the charcoal with pencil and compressed charcoal. Make sure students move clockwise 3-4 spaces at least twice to gather other student use of charcoal.

2. Value Scale on toned piece of paper

3. Self portrait with Charcoal: Students will create a self portrait drawing all linear(contour and shadow shapes(implied contours)) information. Using white charcoal first, they will work in a "backwards" fashion by applying light values rather than dark.


a. Student will be able to render self portrait as lines

expert-student draws every contour.

proficient-student draws most contour lines

improvement needed-student attempts line, but focuses on symbol.

b. Student will apply the value scale.

Expert-Student matches every value in the value scale with the photo.

Proficient-Student matches some values.

Improvement needed-Student matches black and/or white only. Does not attempt greys.

4. Class Critique. All students hang work in class. Spend 5 minutes looking at the work of others.

Questions for class discussion

-What are good things about Charcoal?

-What are bad things about Charcoal?

-How was the charcoal utilized in differing manners?

-What are some creative applications that you can see yourself using charcoal for?

5. Cooperative Icon Portrait. Students will end the unit with a cooperative grid of an icon from popular culture or history.